Photo credits: Mayra Wallraf
The word lounge is both a verb and a noun: an action in which you sit or lie relaxed, or a public space in which you can relax. This double nature of recreation is the focus of this duet for two bodies identifying themselves as female. Together they move through states of active and passive recovery and use the presence of others to dive deeper into themselves and the vibe. The piece is permeated by the idea of invisible lap dance - small, almost imperceptible dances that use the gaze to blur the boundaries between giving and receiving. Lounge trusts eroticism and the creation of community - and thus explores the pleasant peace as an active assertion of femininity.
MARGA ALFEIRÃO uses media to create safe spaces for research into intimacy and sexuality through dance and performance. Strongly influenced by dance genres and sound textures from the African diaspora, which are spread by the social fabric of Lisbon, seeks active claims of femininity by creating space for lesbian sensualities. Last year, together with Camila Malenchini, she premiered Wet Eyez, a piece about emotional body and fantasy. She worked with choreographers Tamara Alegre, Antonja Livingstone and architect Afaina de Jong, among others. As a founding member of Casa das Musas, she is active in the Portuguese ballroom scene. As a graduate of the BA in Dance and Choreography of the HZT in Berlin (2017-21), she initiated Lapdances to Ringtones and Lullabies, a research on eroticism and recreation.
Tanztage Sophiensaele 2023, Berlin - Germany
Kampnagel Hamburg 2023 , Hamburg - Germany
Impulstanz 2023, Vienna - Austria
Concept Marga Alfeirão
Choreography, performance Marga Alfeirão, Mariana Benengue CHOREOGRAPHY Myriam Lucas, Cajsa Godée
Scenography Yoav Admoni
Music editing and mixing Shaka Lion
Costum design Nani Bazar
Light design Thais Nepomuceno
Production by Marga Alfeirão in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE. The 32nd Tanztage Berlin is a production of SOPHIENSÆLE. Funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe. Kindly supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin e. V., Theaterhaus Berlin Mitte and the HZT Berlin.
Media partners: Victory Column, taz and Berlin Art Link.
Watch trailer here